Sample 2D Shooter project

Thanks for reviewing my Solar System Project!

Various elements modified compared to the original template project

  • AESTHETIC: Full reskin of characters and environment  into a boats on water game, included all new sprites for boat and ship characters; background water uses animated sprite
  • AESTHETIC: Added custom music - built with LogicPro loops and a solo original composition running on top during level play
  • AESTHETIC: Added display that shows number of remaining player lives
  • DESIGN: Three levels designed with increased difficulty
  • GAMEPLAY: Introduced "Mission" concept; instead of just counting number of enemies destroyed, specific enemy types or targets can be defined within each level; Mission status is shown on top of the screen
  • GAMEPLAY: Limited range of player projectiles (added additional parameter range to TImedObjectDestroyer to destroy objects that are at a distance of their initial origin position) - avoids to destroy enemies before even seeing them, also adds difficulty making gun reach shorter
  • GAMEPLAY: Changed behavior for enemies to not fire if they are outside the “follow” rage - this is now a programable parameter; for certain enemies avoid to be shooting from afar when at very distant locations all over the scene (used on selected enemies only)
  • GAMEPLAY: added new enemy type - Large Ship, static, spawns smaller boats from within until destroyed; has an animated cannon tower that changes direction and aims to the player when nearby to shoot
  • GAMEPLAY: added power up feature; implemented an invisibility shield that the player can pick-up and lasts 10 seconds; shield blinks at different speeds to show when it's about to expire (also used for 3 secs after respawn)
  • GAMEPLAY: modified behavior to have 3 seconds pause when player dies before triggering respawn (makes it less confusing to the player, softer transition into restarting action)

Credits: A learning student


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